Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back To The Creek

Monday was another hot day here, and after Tim working the weekend (2 twelve hour days) we were eager for some fun, family time.  We headed to the park with the creek that we enjoyed a few Sundays ago.

 Tim was giving the kids lessons on skipping rocks...he is amazingly good at it!

It was lovely and refreshing...

 Kyle loved swimming in the creek.

 Samantha got to come along, too.  She enjoyed all the new smells a lot more than she enjoyed the water...

 These two were goofing off - pretty typical for them both!

 They enjoyed climbing this rocky out cropping.

 These two are at the top, but they went up the easy way - by path!

So thankful to live in such a beautiful place.  I have a feeling we will enjoy this place for many years to come.

Joining Susan @ Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday...and with Trish @ Lily-Rose Cottage for L.A.C.E. 
and A Delightsome Life for A Return to Loveliness.


Becky said...

I love picture #2. So glad you were able to have a wonderful family day.

It's Just Dottie said...

It is so hot where I live and it looks so cool and delightful where you live.

Becky K. said...

Just looking at the photos is relaxing!

Mama to 12, so far said...

Looks like everyone has been having fun at the creek! Say, what kind of dog is Samantha? She looks like our Cookie. Cookie is a black lab and german shepherd mix. She is such a wonderful dog!

Anonymous said...

This is such a refreshing post,it's HOT in southeast Georgia,I'm your newest follower,visiting from OUTDOOR WEDNESDAY,hope you can follow back.

no spring chicken said...

I'll never tire of looking at beautiful girls in God's beautiful country...

Blessings, Debbie

Gina said...

Hello. This is my first visit here. I found your blog through Trish's LACE. Such lovely countryside and I love the skirts! :)



Vee said...

If that creek were nearby on a hot day, it's exactly where I'd want to be. It looks so cool and inviting.

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
This looks like the perfect way to spend a summer day!! Such happy faces:-))
I wonder if you read Heather at Dusty Bays blog? She posted about Queen Anne's Lace today and always does lovely botanical posts.

Heather at Dusty Bay said...

Hello Mrs. Rabe! Just popped over for a visit and to say "hi", lovely blog here too and thanks Bella - what a sweetie!

Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

Your post brings back a lot of pleasant memories for me. Our family always went to a place called Low Water Bridge *sigh*
How I would love to float in an innertube again.
Glad you all got to cool off.

I'm your newest follower and would love for you to follow me.
Have a wonderful day!!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I could use a dip in a refreshing creek right now! That's funny that your dog was more interested in the smells than the water. Maxie loves the water and you can't get him out once he's in (but he's not a very strong swimmer for a Golden so it makes me nervous)!

Simple Home said...

What a beautiful place to play! Happy Belated Birthday to Kyle. It looks like he had a wonderful day. I'm playing blog catch-up again today. I just haven't been online much this summer. We're enjoying our family time though, so it's all good :)

Trish said...

Deanna, that creek looks absolutely wonderful - a real Summer oasis for you all!
It's great to spend time together out in God's glorious creation - and even better if you find some hidden gem like this!
I love the pictures of your girls wearing pretty skirts and still having fun in the water!
Thank you so much for linking to LACE :-)
God bless you my friend, have a blessed week..Trish

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Mrs.Rabe,
What a happy, happy post.It's lovely to see you all having fun together as a family. The creek would be a favourite place for me if I had one nearby. Enjoy.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

no spring chicken said...

I just thought I would pop over and say that I should have been more clear in my blog. If you don't have a mixer like mine you would have to knead by hand or make a smaller batch. Sorry about that!

Blessings, Debbie

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