Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


 We are studying Astronomy for science this year.  Guess who is loving it?  Today while learning about Venus, he recognized a NASA photo and ran to get this fun book...

 It is a 3-D book on the planets - so he of course had to put the space shuttle 3-D glasses on too!

 Sarah and Rachel were working on doodles while I was reading history.  I find it helps them to keep their brains engaged to be busy with their hands.  Sometimes they knit.

 This is one of Sarah's pages...

 This was Rachel's...

We are using Jeannie Fulbright's "Exploring Creation with Astronomy" book.  You can find this great science book at Apologia or through Christian Book Distributors.

For history we are using Genevieve Foster's book "The World of Captain John Smith."  
We are learning so much about Queen Elizabeth the first, King Phillip II of Spain, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Frances Drake, Mary, Queen of Scots, the three Henry's, the wars due to religion, El Greco, and of course, Captain John Smith.

I am a huge history buff.  I believe that you learn so much about God and His working in the world as you study history.  You see the interweaving of lives, art, politics, culture.  It's a wonderful thing.

We also are memorizing Psalm 1.  We almost have it down.  I will try to get Kyle on video.  Very earnest.  Love that boy....

Right now it is time for riding lessons, Lindsay has two young sisters as students on Wednesday afternoon, and the kids are off playing with the siblings.  She already had an earlier lesson, as well.  Then my Dad will be over to ride with Lindsay this afternoon.  She is teaching him to ride.  I believe they are going on a trail ride today.

I think I am going to play with Pinterest some more...very interesting and fun!


Becky K. said...

Oh too? Everyone is hooked on Pinterest and I haven't tried it yet. PJ insists that resistance is futile and I will be assimilated into the world of Pinterest. LOL

Anonymous said...

Psalm one is you brother's fav and has it memorized!
My good friend Ota is a Dr who works at NASA/JPL if you have questions! She used to represent NASA at schools!

Anonymous said...

NASA Kids has a wealth of information you may be able to use. It is a computer site with videos, experiments, and projects.

no spring chicken said...

We haven't started yet but I am itching!! Your school looks so much like ours. Apologia science, Genevieve Foster and busy hands while mom is reading. Of course, tell Kyle that he is one blessed boy to have the coolest space shuttle 3-D glasses ever! And Psalm 1 was the first chapter that the girls committed to memory last year... They recited it almost every morning along with psalm 8, Psalm 139 and some of Ephesians and Luke. By the end of the year their Bible recitation was taking so long that I made them follow me around while I worked to recite! A very good thing.

Blessings, Debbie

Kelly said...

I haven't heard of Pinterest. I have no clue what it is.

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