Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Picnic Supper

 I made blt's for supper - our main meal of taco salad was eaten at lunchtime with Tim.  We also had strawberries, thanks to Kayleigh, and a couple of homemade chocolate chip cookies, thanks to Rachel.
Sarah was really wanting to have a picnic out in the front yard in the shade of the maple trees.  Rachel and I joined her.

 The weather was perfect!

 So was the light...soft, warm...Autumn is on its way.

 Happy girl...

 This little goofy guy - he was listening to Jonathan Park...

 Then out came the bikes...

After this we had showers and read many chapters of our Little House book "The Long Winter."  We will finish it tomorrow.

Thank you all for your prayers for my friend Susanna.  God knows what is needed.

Have a lovely day!


Rebecca said...

Oh, what a beautiful evening you had! Autumn seems to be in the air here, too.

I read Susanna's story. What an amazing & heart-breaking thing this is.

Anonymous said...

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law came for supper on Monday. She mentioned that she fixed BLT's last week. After your post, I'm REALLY hungry for them! haha

Oh, we have fond memories of the Little House books, curled up on the couch and the never ending question, "One more chapter?" :) I think my sons enjoyed Farmer Boy the best. The antics of Almonzo and his brother hit a bit too close to our home. LOL Thanks for a sweet memory this morning.
Have a great day of education.

Phyllis said...

So glad that Sarah had her picnic. What fun. It was delightful. While Dad and Nate ran to get the van and dinner, Kamryn and I played on the patio!! The weather was perfect!!

no spring chicken said...

My youngest daughter still enjoys Jonathan Park!

What a beautiful idea. I haven't made BLTs in quite some time. And maybe we'll eat them picnic style...

Blessings, Debbie

sherry said...

there's really not much better than an evening picnic. hm. we're to enjoy lizzie's company for dinner on thursday .. if it's not too hot perhaps we should also do a picnic .. in the park with the big trees for shade. :o)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. It looks like you had a marvelous time.
Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

What a fun dinner! It looks like everyone enjoyed themselves as well. :)

Heather at Dusty Bay said...

How delightful! I just love Summer picnics too (if we can keep our son focused on eating just a wee bit, that is!)

Becky K. said...

I bought some bacon for BLT's this week. Perhaps I will make it up and have some for lunch with the remainder just waiting for another quick meal!

Alas, there is much laundry to be done so whatever I do must be done quickly.

Ronda said...

Looks like a wonderful evening was had by all.

LUV the beautiful plates!

Love & Prayers, Ronda

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