Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

 As I was out and about yesterday, I stopped by T.J. Maxx to look for Yorkshire Gold tea.  They are a great source for me.

 While there I also found this tea "The London Cuppa."  This is what I am drinking today.

I am drinking it today in the tea cup that I inherited from my great aunt.  I used to visit her and my uncle while I was in Bible College in Michigan.  They were very sweet to me and always welcoming.

 When she died a few years ago, she left me this tea cup.  It is unlike any I had ever owned at the time.  I really love it.  This is inside the cup.

 Here is the name of the cup and the manufacturer...

 Florida Oranges in the morning light.  There are so many pretty and dainty details on this cup.

And the tea?  It was delightful!  A yummy blend of Assam and Kenyan.  Lovely.

Join us today at the following tea parties:

Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for Teatime Tuesday,

Martha @ Martha's Favorites for Teacup Tuesday,

Terri @ Artful Affirmations for Teacup Tuesday,

Wanda Lee @ Silken Purse for Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday.


Terra said...

Your tea cup and your photos are charming; Yorkshire tea is delicious and now you found a new brand too.

Antiques And Teacups said...

Boy, do I wish I had a TJ Maxx close...everyone finds such neat tea there!!! Our closest is 80 miles! And I confess I haven't seen that design of teacup. How neat! And a special remembrance of an aunt. Thanks for sharing!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello Deanna,
What a sweet teacup and a lovely reminder of your dear aunt.
I wish we had a TJ Maxx here. We miss out on so many wonderful stores on this little Island of ours. However, we do enjoy many other things. We are about ten years behind everyone else so it keeps us a wee more old fashioned at times. Fine by me!
Thanks for sharing your lovely teacup with us today and enjoy the rest of your day. BTW, you got my lovely friend Trish and me mixed up today. lol Would you be a dear and change her name to mine in the link?


Lavender Cottage said...

Your teacup of Florida oranges reminds me of the small orange shaped bottles of perfume I used to get as a child visiting Florida.
I like your teapot, very pretty.

Anonymous said...

An oranges pattern - yes very different. Makes me think of my sister in Florida - with orange, lemon and grapefruit trees in the backyard - but no tea cup collections inside. She collects "lady slippers" and carnival masks.

So lovely to have family pieces to steward and pass on!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty cup and saucer. What a precious way to remember your aunt!

Micupoftea said...

Love the oranges! It reminds me of when I was a child....I would stay at my grandmothers' home and across the street from her house were Orange orchards! Rows and rows of oranges. Love getting tea at TJMax...they also had those fabulous Liquid Solutions Teazers for travel! Hope you stop by for tea~

Sarah Belle said...

Your teacup is beautiful! I do so enjoy tj maxx! So fun when lookin for gifts and such. tammy

no spring chicken said...

I love the cup and saucer... and the sweet memory that accompanies it.

Blessings, Debbie

Terri said...

How sweet of your aunt to leave you this lovely tea cup. Memories are so special, and it is nice to have a piece like this to help one remember good times with loved ones.
Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Tea and Friendship

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