Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Love The Home

 Creekside Cottage

"A true home is one of the most sacred of places. It is a sanctuary into which men flee from the world’s perils and alarms. It is a resting-place to which at close of day the weary retire to gather new strength for the battle and toils of tomorrow. It is the place where love learns its lessons, where life is schooled into discipline and strength, where character is molded.

Few things we can do in this world are so well worth doing as the making of a beautiful and happy home. He who does this builds a sanctuary for God and opens a fountain of blessing for men."  

J.R. Miller

I love my home.  It is not a grand palace of beauty, though it is full of warmth and things we love.  We do not have the exact style of couches I would love to have nor do we have fine furniture.  We have old couches and chairs and our coffee table and end tables are Amish made oak tables.  They are nice and they work really well for us.  It suits us and our budget. 

Our home is full of books, and music and children's artwork and dirty dishes, toys, laundry and dust bunnies, lots of those actually.  But can I tell you something?

I LOVE my home.  

I love to care for it, and to use it to create a haven for my family and a place of welcome for friends, old and new. 

I love to make the outside of the house beautiful too, by planting flowers and shrubs and trees that will help to create beauty and welcome.  By using perennials I can divide the plants and increase the beauty for free.  

Black Eyed Susan's

 We live a simple life.  We work hard together, we play together.  We knit, we sew, we create.  We read together, we worship together.
In the evenings, I go around lighting candles and oil lamps - 

 It helps add to the warm and cozy feeling of the house, helps everyone to wind down and to relax.  I like to walk out in to the kitchen - living room area at night and see the white lights and the candles...very cozy.

 Ladies, every time we wash our family's laundry, every time we wash dishes, every time we sweep the floor, or cook a meal and put a bandage on a boo boo, every time we read a book to our children, every time we get a cup of coffee for our husbands, not because we have to, but because we want to - we are loving our homes and we are "building a sanctuary for God."

What a beautiful use for a home!

Joining Trish at Lily-Rose Cottage for L.A.C.E. and June at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.


Trish said...

What a wonderful post dear friend!
Your home is beautiful indeed- you won me with the pickets straight away lol!!
It's beautiful..because YOU are!
The love inside makes all the difference when it comes to 'home'.
I agree with everything you said so beautifully!
Thank you for linking this to LACE today - it is a blessing for us all!

Rebecca said...

I am quieted and warmed by reading your sweet words. May the blessing of home and family life that you've described grow, multiply and spill over on everyone who enters your doors!

Trisha said...

What a blessing it is to make a lovely, God-centered home for our families!

no spring chicken said...

Amen. Beautifully said! And this is the gift that wives and mothers give their family every day. With nothing more than a heart that cares, we transform a house into a home...

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Sorry you lost my first comment, Deanna. But, you got the sentiment. Feel like I haven't accomplished much today in my sanctuary. Must move forward on this overcast and gray summer day - humidity is blech!

I'm feeling like it's early fall the way it looks outside. That's when I pull out the candles in my house. Fall - my favorite season! Decorating my little castle for it in less than a month!!!!!


P.S. I do comment moderation now, too, after getting some REALLY unwanted comments! Yech - what people there are in this world!

Unknown said...

Your home is beautiful....someday I hope to have such a home.

I guess I already do :)

Take Care Friend.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Beautiful words and Amen!

Barbara Neubeck said...

I agree with what you have said so well.....especially sharing cups of coffee because we want to - not because we have to.
I'm glad someone else has dust bunnies--mine come from my dog who sheds hair constantly. It does'nt matter how many times I sweep the hair is quickly back
I love your garden.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Heather said...

What a beautiful post! I love my home too! ;p)

I found your blog from a comment you left on Karen Andreola's blog. I am so glad I wandered over here! I am enjoying all of your posts!

Love, Heather

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