Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 15, 2011

Urgent Prayer Requested!

I have a precious new friend Susanna.  She is quiet, calm, a wife and mother of ten children.  Her faith is strong.  Last year while pregnant with her 10th child they found out that she was a special girl with an extra chromosome.  

Susanna has become an amazing researcher for help for Verity (whose name means Truth!).  Some where along the way they came across a website with children who are needing adoption from Eastern European countries, many with special needs.  While looking at photos of children, Susanna said she came to one that made her feel "as if I had just found one of my own children's photos" on this website.  Veronika is a nine year old, Down's Syndrome child, who has spent her whole life in a bed.  She is smaller than Verity is a one year old. 

Susanna and her husband Joe are adopting this daughter and believe that God gave them Verity so that they would find Veronika.  Susanna is now in Bulgaria for a "visit" before they can have their case go before a judge.  She got to meet her this morning and hold her - Veronika (whose name is being changed to Katerina and she will be called Katie) is basically starving to death there.

Their are 250 children at this orphanage and 20 workers - the majority of whom leave at 3:00 pm.  The children like Veronika are feed bottles twice a day and have diaper changes once a day.

Please pray - 

Susanna is supposed to come home at the end of the week and then the adoption will take place in Bulgaria, without them there, sometime in the next three months!  Then they can go get her.

There is serious concern that Veronika may not make it until then.

Please go to Susanna's blog if you wish to read more and in her own words...WARNING - the pictures will break your heart.

Lots of prayer going up here...we thank you for praying, too!


Becky K. said...

The chorus of prayers heading Heavenward for both Susanna and Katerina are amazing! It breaks my heart to imagine the pain Susanna will feel when she leaves at the end of the week. Oh that there could be a miracle and she would be allowed to bring Katie home now!!

Terra said...

Bless Susanna for going to help and adopt the future Katie. I pray all works out well for them.

A Heart of Praise said...

Thanks for letting us know. Will be praying!!

tea time and roses said...

Will be praying and believing with you. Enjoy a lovely week.



Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It is hard for me to comprehend there are places in this world where children are treated like that.

Even though I know it happens in my own community on a lesser level.

It makes me want Jesus to come soon and this world be made right again.

Anonymous said...

Many prayers are being sent.

Anonymous said...

I went to the website and there are just no adequate words.....


Anonymous said...

Susanna is blessed to have you and Becky in her life, prayer warriors who truely believe in God's great power. may God bless you both for your faithulness. I am joining you today in prayer!

Dawn E. Brown said...

I too went to the website. Oh this most beautiful of children, her sweet sweet smiles, I wept and prayed and will keep praying. Bless you for sharing of this need. Dawn E. Brown

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...