Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Sneak Preview

 This is the table that Tim built.  Remember this post a few weeks ago?  Well, he had two coats of stain on that table and then we had rain, rain, rain.  Not good when you are working outside.  The table got a few water spots on it, so Tim sanded it down again.  He sanded this table so many times before staining it the first time and it is so soft and smooth.  

Any way - after sanding it down again, we moved it inside so it could be worked on without concern about the weather.  You should have seen Kay and I helping him!  This is one heavy table, and it was hard - but we are both small but mighty! 

 This week it got more stain, and then it has been coated with poly many, many times.  And sanded between coats of poly.  He is trying to carefully fill some of the knots in the wood.

 It is simply beautiful - yesterday Kayleigh wanted to help so she did the painting of the table skirt and legs.  

I love it!  We were talking about how he made it two years ago right before Thanksgiving, and then he said "yeah, it maybe done in time for Thanksgiving this year!"  ha ha.  I hope he's kidding....of course, he's kidding.  Right?

I told him that seeing what he can do I have plans for more projects!  Today though he is going to help my dad with replacing a shower in their downstairs apartment.


Becky K. said...

Oh, that looks great!!

Your family makes a great team....getting a huge project done!

Tim is creating a family heirloom....isn't that sweet?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, it looks FANTASTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is just beautiful! Personally, I like know holes. It gives something character! :)

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful stain & such a smooth finish! Congratulations to Tim on his patience & perseverance!

May precious memories continue to be made around the table...

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I've got a dining room table that needs a face-lift. Any takers?

Deanna - don't miss my post about my grandbaby :D - just got back from my visit today. A miracle story indeed!

sherry said...

it's beautiful!!!
what a labor of love.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

It's absolutely gorgeous! I would have tons of projects waiting the wings for him!

Vee said...

Yes, men have to be so careful doing these fantastic projects because we women always have a new plan. ☺

I've received your email and just wanted to say, "yes!" I'll get back to you with more info as soon as I eke out some time.

no spring chicken said...

Gorgeous. Do you know what you would pay for that at a furniture store? I just love my handyman!

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've just found your blog and really like it.
The table looks wonderful, such a beautiful colour.
I will be back to visit soon. Have a wonderful day.

Tea and Friendship

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