Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 19, 2011

This and That

 My days have been rolling along here at the cottage I have been knitting and have done some sewing...This hat is for Lindsay.  She picked the yarn out and asked if I would knit her a new hat.  We really liked the combination of colors in the variegated yarn...such pretty pinks, moss green, a deeper burgundy.  

 I am getting to be a braver knitter - doing things without a pattern...this is one that I just winged - having the basic idea and knitting away at it.

 She is going to look adorable in it! 

 My mom and I spent the afternoon together yesterday - shopping a favorite craft/country store, having lunch, and then going to a huge Re-Uzit store.  I scored some great things at both places.  This three bucket planter has a handle and is going to either house some herbs on my deck or hold candy in the fall on my dining room table.  I am going to age it a bit first though - it is a tad shiny!  Last year, I had fun buying the autumn color m&m's and using them in canning jars for part of our decor.  It thought this may work in the same way!

 I also found this great gravy boat!  I don't own one, though Lindsay and Emma both have their own and we use theirs!  I loved this red and white simple pattern, and the price was right at $3.00.

 I love this candle holder!  I was looking for something for the top of Tim's bookcase that sits next to his side of the bed.  This is just right.

If you notice on my sidebar, my friend Becky has an Etsy store where she is selling her fabulous candles.  I went over to sniff some yesterday and ended up bringing 6 home!  My current favorites are Cappuccino, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Blueberry Muffin, and Apple Pie Spice...I love the way these add a layer of warmth and coziness to our home.  I have the Apple Pie Spice burning on the kitchen table these days and it smells so good!  If you love candles - check her store out - they are all soy and she uses hemp wicks.  No toxic chemicals burning in your home!  She is experimenting with making soy wax tarts to burn in the electric burners....They are going to be great!


 Tim has been helping my dad to replace a shower in their downstairs bathroom.  This was a big job, but they are taking the time to do it right.  A bit more work tomorrow and it should be finished. 
Rachel picked out the yarn above for a new knit hat as well.  It is a wonderful color for her.  I am going to do a knit row then a purl row so that the bottom rolls up instead of folding up.  I think it will be cute.

I am going to do some baking this afternoon, bread, baked oatmeal for breakfast, some cookies....It takes a lot to keep this crew feed!  The afternoon is my own - Tim is at work, so are Lindsay and Emily, school is done, so I am at my leisure.  One thing that I will definitely be doing is reading my new issue of Victoria magazine.  This is the British issue....I love it!

Have a happy weekend!


Terra said...

I admire the hat that you knit; if I take up knitting that is what I would make.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

The British issue of the "old" Victoria was always my favorite. I think they're doing a great job with the new Victoria, too. My issue has not arrived, yet. Will be LOOKING for it.

I'm almost at a place where I can get started on some sewing and craft projects. I need to finish organizing the garage, first.

I told my husband I was so embarrassed when the firemen were here, we looked like an episode of Hoarders in the garage! Not for long, though.

CUTE hat.

Joy said...

I love the hat you made! I'm hoping to knit one for Ezra soon. I have the pattern, yarn, and needles, but I haven't started it yet. I've never made a hat, so I'm kind of nervous about it! :)

Kelly said...

Lindsay's hat turned out really cute! I love your new purchases -- the gravy boat is lovely and so is the candle holder that is on Tim's bookshelf.

I was just talking about making time to bake my own bread and cookies and such again. I've been spending too much at the grocery store and need to cut it down again.

Becky K. said...

Cute hat! I love the colors. We have decided to focus on Fall Decor this year because of candle season hitting when we would otherwise decorate for Christmas. We love to decorate for Fall anyway so we will just be more intentional about it this year.

Gwendolyn said...

Hi Deanna! I'm sure we have met somewhere along the way...haven't we? I'm excited for you about your trip to Maine. We hardly ever get that way since we are out here in the NW and pretty tied down with our ministry here. But we had a great time, refreshing and just what we needed. Trust your trip is the same. Great variety of interests you have and I'm sure you are a wonderful homemaker! Blessings ~ Gwen

Tracy said...

So much going on! Love the hat, and the yarn for the next. Your new gravy boat is beautiful, and I KNOW you love the colors! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That hat is just darling! I love it!

Reginas Cottage said...

the hat is soooooooooooooo cute!!!!
nice colours.lovely finds!!!
the blue colour for your new knitting project looks nice.wonderful magazine!!!!!!
have a nice weekend,

Anonymous said...

What a great hat, I love the colours. Your finds are fantastic, especially the candle holder with the star.
Have a wonderful day.

no spring chicken said...

Fall is in the air... candles and candy tins, gravy boats and knit hats. Bring it!

Blessings, Debbie

Lovella ♥ said...

Hi. .
Oh ..I wish I would have had more time to poke around thrift shops on our trip. Every one I passed at high speed had me erupt in a moan. Great finds.

I love the brit versions of magazines too. It's hard to believe we are so close to the autumn issues already.
Our summer has barely started.

Tea and Friendship

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