Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Little Man Is Six!

 Celebrating the gift of my son today.

 Here are photos from Monday when Emily wanted to give Kyle is birthday gift from her early.

 Kyle and Daddy wrestling - "I got you first!"

 He is a happy boy...

 His expression when he opened his eyes to a box of roller blades!

 His disappointment when the box was empty...

 except for a note that said his real gift was "A Hug!"  She hugged him and then while he was still confused - she told him she was just kidding and that the gift was in a bag in her closet!

 He has his own blades!

 Look at him go...

Oh, and to top it off - his first loose tooth!

We are thankful for our little man. 


Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday to my "favorite boy". Love you Kyle...

Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday to my "favorite boy". Love you Kyle...

Humble wife said...

Aww!! Happy Birthday to a handsome and very loved young man!

Anonymous said...

Blessings as you celebrate your boy! Such memories are priceless!

Becky K. said...

Happy sixth birthday, Kyle!!
I remember when......
oh so many memories!

Tracy said...

How exciting! Happy B-Day

Tracy said...

How exciting! Happy B-Day

Rebecca said...

Priceless is right! I love those expressions you captured.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Awww. How sweet! What a wonderful family.

They grow up so fast!

no spring chicken said...

Boy, do you guys know how to play mind games! ;0

It looks like he has a sense of humor... Happy Birthday little man! Tomorrow I'll be wishing my baby a happy birthday. Fourteen!

Blessings, Debbie

Tracy said...

He's such a cutie! I'm glad he had a great birthday.

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