Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

 Sitting on my kitchen counter, a remnant from last evening.  We read two chapters of "Little Town On The Prairie" by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and then had family worship.  We like Tim being back on day shift!

 The day had been a perfect weather day - blue sky, big white puffy clouds, sunshine and mid 70 degree weather!  The evening cool I decided, of course that a cuppa was needed and Sarah, Lindsay and Kyle joined me.  I love these evenings together, and more so because having us all home at the same time is getting rarer!

Oh, also a tea tragedy happened last week -

My Old Country Roses creamer fell off the counter into the sink....I am sad.  This was part of a set that my husband bought me for an anniversary gift a few years ago.  Does anyone know if there is a way to repair it so that it is usable?

I am once again, joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for Teatime Tuesday, Kathy at A Delightsome Life for A Return To Loveliness, Martha at Martha's Favorites for Teacup Tuesday, Terri at Artful Affirmations for Teacup Tuesday. 


Becky K. said...

So sorry about your creamer. That is sad. I wouldn't know about fixing it.....

Mom, Georgia and our family sat out in the yard last evening until well past dark last evening. It was so much fun...laughing and reminiscing. We also planned for our upcoming time in the mountains.
Did you know our MI friends are actually coming???? Then they will be here for church on the following Sunday!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

There is a special glue you can get to repair china, ask at a hardware store or possibly the china area of a department store. You'll still see the crack but hopefully will still be usable after fixing.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Lovely to be together and worship and sip from these dainty beauties.

Kevin has some very strong bond that he's used on some of my goblets when they've broken. If you email him at levellie75(at)tigerpaw(dot)com, he will tell you the name.

Loved seeing you two weeks ago!

Anonymous said...

Such a shame about the creamer. I wish I could help you. I hope you can find a replacement, if the creamer can't be fixed.
It's great you were able to have tea together.
Have a wonderful day.

Kathy said...

So sorry about your creamer - not sure what kind of glue might work that would make it usable again - I hope someone can answer for you or try the hardware stores - if nothing else you can repair it to keep it pretty with flowers inside.
With all that, seems you had a perfect evening- love the milder, cooler temps!
Hope your day is going well and thank you for sharing your post with A Return to Loveliness,
God Bless,

Vee said...

Oh dear...a tea pot tragedy for sure. I don't know how to repair it for use, but such a lovely tea pot should have some future good work. Perhaps a holder for an African Violet.

What lovely weather you're are we!

Charlotte said...

I'll bet Terri at Artful Affirmations would know how to fix it...she is very crafty. If it were me, I think I would try some glue; something really strong. I would make sure to not over load the creamer after it is fixed.

I'm sorry it broke, especially being a gift from your husband for a special occasion. Hope you can fix it.


Millie said...

Too bad about the creamer.
It's nice to read about your family evenings, reading is time well spent...

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hello Mrs. Rabe,
thats really a pitty with the creamer, I am so sorry. I repaired a tea pot with special glue, which is hardening with UV-Light. It was thought for repairing glass but worked with my tea pot also. But I don't use the glued tea pot anymore, it is now only decorration. I think, it would be easier to buy a new creamer on ebay. Nobody will see the difference.
Best greetings, Johanna

Wanda Lee said...

Hello there dear lady,

What an unfortunate mishap! I'm sorry to hear that your lovely Old Country Roses creamer broke..,

I do think that although repairs are indeed possible that replacement would be best if you wish to use the piece.~ I'm always repairing broken china yet I only use them as purely decorative pieces hereafter. Better days ahead!

Thanks for sharing your pretty teatime vignette with us.

Happy Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!

Please always feel most welcome to visit me. This week marks my 98th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' and also the '69th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'.


Hugs, Wanda Lee

Pamela Gordon said...

I love your Old Country Roses teacups and am sorry about the creamer. I suppose crazy glue would work but don't know if it's food safe. I hope you can find a fix for it. You could glue it and use it for flowers or teaspoons. Have a lovely week. Pamela

Anonymous said...

Sweet country rose cups - and sad story about your broken creamer. Hope you can find a fix. Sure would have enjoyed sharing the Laura Ingalls Wilder read-aloud. A perfect evening - sounds like!

Lovella ♥ said...

I feel your pain on the creamer. .been there. .done that. .only with a royal albert covered casserole. .oh that was sad. I am not sure either how to fix it so that it can continue to be used. I know there are glues out there that are for china. I have used that and at least the china looks whole.
I was wondering ..are you feeling shaky there? I right aways thought of you dear ones!

Anonymous said...

Oh so sorry about your creamer- My hubby broke the handle off one of my favorite tea pots and am wondering the same thing about a glue that will work. I am thinking that I am not going to be able to use it for tea pouring anymore.

bee blessed

The Journey said...

if it's a tea pot glue and make a lamp. I have a tea pot- I am making lamp out of. Brenda and I went to good will she showed me a nice Johnson tea pot blue- of course I bought it. Linda

Unknown said...

I have always loved that china pattern. I glue lotsa glass items and use a product by Goop called Household glue..its in a tube that is purple and it at most stores that will have a section for glues. Hope you can find some.
Happy tea,

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
So sorry about your lovely creamer! I'm sure there is a special glue out there just as some of the ladies suggested. Sounds like a perfect evening reading the Laura I Wilder stories. I have always loved her writings; so wholesome. Thanks for sharing this with Tea Time and I hope your creamer has a happy ending.


Unknown said...

Oh no!! Boo-boo's happen. If you cant repair it for use, glue it and use it for decorations. Would look pretty with a pretty napkin peeking out the top or a lovely pencil holder even tea spoons..Dont throw it can even make a necklace with pieces if you cant glue it..this is my china pattern too! I love OCR!

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: I am so sorry about the creamer. Maybe you could find just the lid on Ebay. The set is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Blessings, Martha

Kelly said...

So sorry about your creamer. I know nothing about how to fix it.

We, too, are enjoying this weather. I am looking forward to the approaching fall.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...