Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Getting Ready To Sell A House

View from my parents living room window!

 We met with the realtor yesterday and she was very helpful in the process of selling my parents home. I was encouraged that there is nothing major that needs to be done to the house. The main things are decluttering, and taking personal things down.

She also had good tips for how to get ready for photos to be taken for  the listing, such as taking curtains down, taking the dining room tablecloth off, moving the furniture a bit to show the big rooms. 

While she is working on comps, we will be packing up the items they do not need to use now, and also items for donation.

We all have items that we keep in our homes because we have room for them. They are the same way, and we'll be going through everything from books and movies to clothes and shoes.

It's an emotional time for them, big changes in many ways, but they know it's good and will end up being such a blessing. We have so much to do in the next few weeks. I am headed there today with Kyle. He's my muscle.

I have a few prayer requests, as I know some of you are prayer warriors.

1. The emotional load I'll be carrying with helping my parents with their emotional loads.

2. Our Amish friend Emanuel has cancer and has not been doing well recently. Please pray for him. He is a believer and knows that his life is in God's hands, but pray for their family and especially their little boys age 6 and 5.

Thanks friends!


Vee said...

Did that fly or just fly away?

Lorrie said...

If your housing market is anything like ours, it will not take long for your parents' house to sell. Decluttering and depersonalizing are important, but sometimes hard to do.

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