Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 12, 2021



We started our weekend by using the pool! Tim, Kyle, and I had a lovely early evening swim.

Then Saturday evening, Nate and Kay brought the girls to swim. Grandpa swung the babies for a while so Dad and Mom could swim.

Watson was looking cute yesterday, so I took a quite photo of him. Sometimes it's hard to capture his features since his nose and lips are black, too. 

Sunday was this delightful young woman's birthday! The lighting was not great in the house in early evening, so I had to brighten the photo. Can't believe she has one year left in her teens.

We delight in her heart for Jesus, her love for coffee and her friends, her passion for life. We are thankful to be her parents.

I have a few prayer requests. 

1. We could use some work for our business. Inspections have slowed due to the hot housing market. More buyers than homes available, so buyers are waving inspections.

2. The good thing about the housing market being good for sellers, is that my parents are going to sell their house! We're meeting with a realtor today. There may be a few things to do before it goes on the market, but hopefully it'll be on soon and they'll get a great offer! Please pray for emotions as this is quite an upheaval for my parents, but it's time, and they know that. They'd just like to be past this part of the journey.

On another topic: If you're on Twitter a 35 post tweet by @martyrmade has laid out the problem people are having with the election and other obvious corruption. It's gotten a lot of traction now as people have shared it. Tucker Carlson did a segment on it and President Trump mentioned it, I hear, in his CPAC speech. It's easy and interesting reading.

Have you seen the Cuban people in the streets protesting? Legacy media trying to say it's a cov*d protest. It's not. They are carrying American flags. Despite the lefts desire to teach that America is a terrible place, it is still where people from oppressive countries want to be, have you noticed that?

I hope your weekend was great. Let's keep our eyes on Jesus, as we go about this week, and trust him with our worries and concerns. 


Kim said...

Your pool looks great and I love that you're already enjoying it!! Here's to a long, long hot summer and lots more time floating around. And I'll certainly keep your biz in my prayers. The hot market is impacting a lot of businesses right now. That's not easy...

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Happy Birthday to your lovely girl!!!!

Whooo hooooo for pool fun! I'm sure you are pleased that you installed it. And your family will really enjoy it!

"I want to have a little house
with sunshine on the floor,
A chimney with a rosy hearth,
and lilacs by the door..."
~Nancy Bird Turner

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I too am upset over the last election.

But I say it is over.


It was not dealt with, using the best possible way.

By using analytics. "Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. It is used for the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data. It also entails applying data patterns towards effective decision-making."

I do not understand this above. I was told this, by a commentator I trust. And since it was not done, using analytics, the legal process got nowhere.

Plus, the last Administration did not notice or do anything about illegal things done, by states, concerning their elections. Back when these illegal things were passed. And so, they were in effect, at election time. A horrible missed opportunity.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ooops, published too soon.

I hope that this comment above, will try to explain, how I view the legal process, done... To try to rectify the election.

And why it failed.

And why it is over.

Vee said...

Oh how wonderful that your pool is up and being used. Just fabulous. The smiles say it all.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...