Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 16, 2021

Good News Friday


Well, I am late today! Sorry about that. We had an early meeting with the realtor team that is going to list my parents house, and then I had to get groceries.

So most of the good news I have is easy to find from non MSM sources. I've heard the fact checkers are out in force saying there is no voter fraud. Hmmm. 

I was accused this week of being a liar and a racist so For The Record - I do not have cable or any kind of regular tv. All of our news sources are found online. I see clips from some CNN interviews, or MSNBC, or Fox but we do not watch these channels, and most of the clips of interviews I don't even watch.

I heard a good explanation of the difference between a re-count and an audit.

You have 10 apples. Your friend counts and says, "Yep, you have 10 apples." Another friend audits your apples and finds that 3 are plastic apples, 2 are glass apples, 1 is an apple Christmas ornament, and 4 are edible apples. 

An audit is a deeper look than a re-count.

So we got a bit of information, but certainly not all of the information from Maricopa County's audit. Lots of troubling things there.

The left is trying to frame the conversation to say that the audits lead to fraud and that they are dangerous. Hmmm.

An audit will show the truth of an election so if an election has been fair and straightforward the audit will show that. If there has been duplication of ballots or other fraud it will show that. So if someone is fighting hard against an audit it says to me that they are trying to hide something. 

Here is a graphic someone made to share with others.

This is the information they've released so far from Arizona. The ballots without serial numbers are illegal in Arizona. All ballots in AZ are supposed to have serial numbers so that they cannot be duplicated.

Georgia's election is being looked at also, and they are finding lots of problems. It seems as if Georgia will end up being worse than Arizona. Pennsylvania just started a forensic audit, and one of the counties they are auditing is Philadelphia county which includes the city of Brotherly Love. There has been fraud there for years. Everyone knows and nothing is done about it. The audit will reveal a lot. It will be eye opening for many people.

Be encouraged my friends. Many things that have been done in darkness for years, are coming into the light. This is a very good thing, even though its hard.


Vee said...

And that is a very good thing. We can't go on as a nation like this. I'm sorry that anyone would be so hateful. All ine has to do is your own research.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Best of luck with selling the house...

Yes, my info comes from seeking, on the Net.


Linda said...

Thank you for these postings.....

ellen said...

MSM has done an excellent job of pushing propaganda and calling it the truth. So many people are brain washed and still asleep. I have family members who worry about me because I voted for President Trump. I'm sorry you were called a racist and a liar, but continue your good work. Eventually, everyone will see the truth and we will be vindicated. Can you imagine how President Trump must feel? How strong he is!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...