Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Home Keeping: What I'm Doing Wednesday

 So, I don't know if it's a thing but it sounded catchy in my head. I thought I'd just talk about what I am going to be doing today.

Mostly I am going to do some things to strengthen my spirit. I'm currently carrying some emotional cares, and walking alongside some friends in prayer and I need to take time to make sure I'm not getting spiritually depleted.

I'm going to read, pray, listen to some good music.

I need to work on sorting through my bookcases, and preparing the basement to be painted. Sarah will be moving her bedroom downstairs when my parents sell their house. The basement is a beautiful shade of red, but we are going to lighten it up before she moves down. She heads back to school in 10 weeks.

I am going to make this keto Snickerdoodle cookie recipe. {here}

I have an idea for rearranging the furniture in Kyle's room, that will allow a chair to fit in his room. It only involves moving his desk, so I think we'll get to this project today.

Then I think we'll all probably take a swim this evening.

What will you be doing on this fine Wednesday?


Vee said...

The cookies look yummy. I feel like having French toast for lunch.

I know what you mean about finding oneself under the circumstances spiritually. For me, this often
means that I haven't been doing my Scripture reading.

Your day sounds busy so may you have a successful day rewarded with a nice evening swim with the family.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Remember how airplanes tell people, in emergency, put on your own air mask/life preserver/whatever, before putting on your child's!!!!

This applies to all of life.

If we do not take care of our own physical/mental life, we will not "be there," to help anyone else.

Good for you! For realizing this!

Here, we are happy to be able to go outside our house today! After rabid fox scare, yesterday!


Theresa said...

I have had a busy week and late reading my favorite blogs:) I have to take some time, more often lately. I hope you enjoyed your day for YOU! Have a blessed day and weekend ahead, hugs!

Information Friday

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