Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 26, 2021


 This weekend we spent celebrating these two kids. Married in 1959 they celebrated their 62nd anniversary yesterday. Just 17 and 20 when they married.

We invited some friends to surprise them on Friday night at our family gathering. That was fun, and we ate finger foods and some dessert.

I bought a small arrangement of what looked like nice flowers at the store, but when I opened them up at home, they were not very nice. I sent Kyle out to clip some "yellow flowers, and pink and white hydrangea."

He did a great job clipping and I added them to this pitcher that held the store bought flowers. It made for a lovely centerpiece.

Saturday, we had an issue with our radiator on my van, so while the day went differently than Tim had planned, it all got done. His plan was to install the new capacitor for the ceiling fan in the guest room, and mow at our older friends home, and then go mow at my parents house. He and Kyle do this every week. They did these things, though the fan was not repaired, a new one is on the way. 

They picked up the new radiator for my van on the way home from my parents house, and got it installed. (they had already removed the bad one) They took a swim, too.

Yesterday, we had church. My parents, as my dad said, "Had a day just like our old normal ones." They went to church and out to lunch with their friends! Then they came here for the afternoon. Games were played then, some swimming. My parents went home earlier than they normally do, Rachel and Wes left with Lindsay's dog. (they are housing and animal sitting for Lindsay and Joseph this weekend) 

We asked and received permission for the older grand girls to sleep over, which they hadn't done for a while.  Tim and I were awake for a bit with Klaire who was coughing due to sinus drainage. Some eucalyptus oil on the bottom of her feet and an extra pillow to prop her up and she settled down quickly again. She always sleeps with us in our big bed!

They next few weeks will be busy with my parents house. We have a small dumpster coming tomorrow, to clear out the attic and garage, next week the carpet cleaners are coming, then the realtors will do another walk through, the photographer will come and the house will be on the market! 

We continue to be busy here, too.  We are grateful for this home, and the land we have. 

Friends, I hope your weekend was a good one. 


A Joyful Cottage said...

17 and 20. My, oh my. My late husband was 21 and I was 19. I thought that was young. And it was. Back in those days people married young. Most of my friends married the same year I did and the majority of our marriages thrived. There were exceptions, but they were few. I do think young people were more mature in those days than what I see now in the popular culture. This is not true in all cases, but I do see a dependence on parents in a way I did not see in my generation. We were eager to set out on our own; to have independence. Congratulations to your parents on 62 years. I know they are going through big changes right now, and I pray that they will adjust to them well, and continue to have joy in their lives. As always, I enjoy reading about your family adventures. I feel, Deanna, that we are kindred spirits and that you are living right next door. :) Hugs.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Congratulations to them!

We beat them, we were married in 1958! -smile-

Sorry about the broken radiator, but glad the necessary stuff got done.


Cheryl said...

Happy anniversary to your parents!! I am guessing that they would say that those 62 years went by quickly, because time does seem to fly by even faster as we get older. How lovely that you celebrated with friends and family and flowers. 62 years is something to celebrate!

It sounds like a lovely weekend (except for the radiator part . . . sigh). A sleepover with a grand is always special. Making memories!

I know that the next weeks and months will be quite busy and kind of hard, as any big changes are . . . even when they're good changes. Praying for all of you . . .

Dawn E. Brown said...

What a beautiful to you,Dawn E. Brown

Information Friday

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