Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Home Keeping: Clearing Out Closets

 I've mentioned before how we all have things in our homes, simply because we have room for them. This means we don't have to decide whether the items are things we love and want to have in our homes.

Some items are sentimental; like these pillow cases. The Thomas the Tank Engine one was Kyles' and I made it for him when he was a toddler. He is going to be 16 in less than two weeks. This pillow case is sentimental because I made it for him. I didn't want to get rid of it, but I found a good solution. My grandsons love Thomas and so it is going to them! Win!

These Peanuts pillow cases have been mine since I was in high school I think. Very thin but so cute if you love the Peanuts characters. None of my grands really know the Peanuts characters, and none of my kids enjoyed Charlie Brown and the gang like I did. Sniff. I've decided to keep these for now.

I bought large space bags and have put lots of seasonal bedding, like flannel sheets in them and a few King Size coverlets. I'll be able to store them downstairs, which would have been a good plan even if we weren't preparing for my parents to move in. 

I feel like I've put off dealing with many of these closets for way too long, and feel as if I am gaining some margin in my belongings.

I have three basic categories for dealing with items:


Donate/Give Away


This has helped me deal with old sheets, frames, decor items, paper. I have sorted all my hanging clothes, almost done with my dresser, I'm going to go through my fabric stash today and give it to the wives of Wes and Rachel's Amish co-workers.

I'm going to clear the closet in the bedroom my dad will be using. It has sports equipment and rollerblades in it. Kamryn has some clothes in that closet, too. 

It feels good to be getting a good handle on what is in my house! I've been working at different areas in our home, mostly storage spaces, the last few years and getting these areas done is giving me peace of mind.

We are moving completely out of our master suite so my parents can have their own things in that space. Talking to a contractor friend, we maybe looking at 6 months to a year before anyone is available to build, so we want them to be as comfortable as possible and to have privacy, too.

I need to find a good way to store my hat collection that allows access but keeps them protected, and not just piled up on my shelf. I need to go through my shoes, and see what I really wear, what I want to keep even if I don't wear them often, and which ones can go!

All of this sorting and clearing is good. I hate clutter, and while not a minimalist my any means, I like tidy spaces. 

It's been challenging but its all good.


Beside a babbling brook... said...

You have an excellent attitude, about doing this. And an excellent reason also. Win! Win!

Best of everything, with this project! It is a bigggggg one!

I applaud you!


Linda said...

I do admire you, Deanna. It's a big deal to give up your bedroom. That's true love.

Kim said...

Oh boy, lots of organizing. We purged at the beginning of last summer, but I feel like the house is overrun again. I just can't seem to giveaway my own version of your Peanuts pillowcases and the kids still live here. So the bins just keep getting bigger!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love that you can pass along those sentimental items to the next generation. Those little ones will love knowing it belonged to their Uncle Kyle when he was little.

Having your parents staying with you a while makes that clearing out of your home a great project. It's so motivating, isn't it? Making room for the new season, remembering why you want to keep certain things, and gratefully letting go of those items you no longer need or want. I feel the energy in it. Happy sorting!

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