Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 23, 2021

Good News Friday


There is so much going on right now. Audits, lawsuits, gatherings.

This one is interesting.

Parents are still getting involved in their local school board meetings and PTA meetings. They are realizing that they have the power to decide what their children learn.

Forensic Audits are still happening and more are on the way. A state legislator in Texas has filed to do one in that great state.

As these things go there is forward momentum and some steps backward. Those on the left know what they did and do not want it to come out into the light. It will come out though.

I've been thinking about these words from Sally Clarkson that my sweet friend Sherry post on Instagram this week and I shared it too, because I thought is was so good.

This is why I share good news with you. This is my way of fighting against the darkness of the world. I don't want to be filled with fear, I want to keep my eyes on the Lord, and to keep celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family, good friends, events.

I hope you are filled with joy this weekend. I hope that in the midst of hard things you will reach out to God and call on him. He longs to help you. 

I am glad we are friends!


Vee said...

Thank you for sharing and celebrating! That Mike Is a firecracker! I thank God for him and for you.

Read a good blog post along these lines at Roxy's Living from Glory to Glory.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Sally Clarkson's words are wonderful!!!!

They need to be broadcast around Pretty Blog Land.

So I hope those who read here, will "grab" your picture of them, and use it on their blogs.

Spread the word, that we do not have to give in to fear and sadness. No matter what our individual beliefs are.

Thank you.

🌺"Blogs are little First Amendment machines."🌺

Changes in the wind said...

Thank you for your wonderful perspective. It is true that there is a heavy gloom on all and some even seem to think a smile is intimating. Blessings.

Theresa said...

I am glad we are friends too! I still celebrate, keep an eye out for mean people when I get out of the house and pray a lot for our Country and my family! Enjoy your day dear friend, I plan on enjoying mine! HUGS!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I'm trying to catch up on reading your blog, Deanna. I so appreciate you taking the helm and sharing updates on your blog. I love your spirit! And I love people like Mike who are unafraid. He has a lot to lose, but He loves America so much that he's willing to risk it all. Isn't that what makes a patriot? Your words today about celebrating are so true, and so important to heed. I'm reminded of Jeremiah 29:4-7, the Lord's admonition to the Israelites who had been carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: "“Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” I purpose to live my life this way, no matter what is going on around me. Sometimes I take a step backward and discouragement sets in. But when I own up to my own lack of trust and confess that to the Lord and ask for His perspective and strength, these words from Jeremiah come back to me and I know that this is how He wants me (wants us!) to live. He's got it all covered. He is not surprised by any of this, and His will shall be accomplished. Love you, Deanna! xx

Information Friday

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